
# See
# based on irssi mouse patch by mirage:

# Copyright (C) 2005-2009  Wouter Coekaerts <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

use strict;
use Irssi qw(signal_emit settings_get_str active_win signal_stop settings_add_str settings_add_bool settings_get_bool signal_add signal_add_first);
use Math::Trig;

use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);

$VERSION = '1.0.0';
%IRSSI = (
	authors  	=> 'Wouter Coekaerts',
	contact  	=> '',
	name    	=> 'mouse',
	description 	=> 'control irssi using mouse clicks and gestures',
	license 	=> 'GPLv2 or later',
	url     	=> '',
	changed  	=> '2009-05-16',

my @BUTTONS = ('', '_middle', '_right');

my $mouse_xterm_status = -1; # -1:off 0,1,2:filling mouse_xterm_combo
my @mouse_xterm_combo = (3, 0, 0); # 0:button 1:x 2:y
my @mouse_xterm_previous; # previous contents of mouse_xterm_combo

sub mouse_enable {
	print STDERR "\e[?1000h"; # start tracking 

sub mouse_disable {
	print STDERR "\e[?1000l"; # stop tracking 

# Handle mouse event (button press or release)
sub mouse_event {
	my ($b, $x, $y, $oldb, $oldx, $oldy) = @_;
	my ($xd, $yd);
	my ($distance, $angle);

	# uhm, in the patch the scrollwheel didn't work for me, but this does:
	if ($b == 64) {
	} elsif ($b == 65) {

	# proceed only if a button is being released
	return if ($b != 3);

	return unless (0 <= $oldb && $oldb <= 2);
	my $button = $BUTTONS[$oldb];

	# if it was a mouse click of the left button (press and release in the same position)
	if ($x == $oldx && $y == $oldy) {
		cmd("mouse" . $button . "_click");

	# otherwise, find mouse gestures
	$xd = $x - $oldx;
	$yd = -1 * ($y - $oldy);
	$distance = sqrt($xd*$xd + $yd*$yd);
	# ignore small gestures
	if ($distance < 3) {
	$angle = asin($yd/$distance) * 180 / 3.14159265358979;
	if ($angle < 20 && $angle > -20 && $xd > 0) {
		if ($distance <= 40) {
			cmd("mouse" . $button . "_gesture_right");
		} else {
			cmd("mouse" . $button . "_gesture_bigright");
	} elsif ($angle < 20 && $angle > -20 && $xd < 0) {
		if ($distance <= 40) {
			cmd("mouse" . $button . "_gesture_left");
		} else {
			cmd("mouse" . $button . "_gesture_bigleft");
	} elsif ($angle > 40) {
		cmd("mouse" . $button . "_gesture_up");
	} elsif ($angle < -40) {
		cmd("mouse" . $button . "_gesture_down");

# executes the command configured in the given setting
sub cmd
	my ($setting) = @_;
	signal_emit("send command", settings_get_str($setting), active_win->{'active_server'}, active_win->{'active'});

signal_add_first("gui key pressed", sub {
	my ($key) = @_;
	if ($mouse_xterm_status != -1) {
		if ($mouse_xterm_status == 0 && ($mouse_xterm_previous[0] != $mouse_xterm_combo[0])) { # if combo is starting, and previous what not a move (button not changed)
			@mouse_xterm_previous = @mouse_xterm_combo;
		$mouse_xterm_combo[$mouse_xterm_status] = $key-32;
		if ($mouse_xterm_status == 3) {
			$mouse_xterm_status = -1;
			# match screen coordinates
			mouse_event($mouse_xterm_combo[0], $mouse_xterm_combo[1], $mouse_xterm_combo[2], $mouse_xterm_previous[0], $mouse_xterm_previous[1], $mouse_xterm_previous[2]);

sub UNLOAD {

if ($ENV{"TERM"} !~ /^rxvt|screen|xterm(-color)?$/) {
	die "Your terminal doesn't seem to support this.";


Irssi::command("/^bind meta-[M /mouse_xterm"); # FIXME evil
Irssi::command_bind("mouse_xterm", sub {$mouse_xterm_status = 0;});
Irssi::command_bind 'mouse' => sub {
	my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
	$data =~ s/\s+$//g;
	Irssi::command_runsub('mouse', $data, $server, $item);

# temporarily disable mouse handling. Useful for copy-pasting without touching the keyboard (pressing shift)
Irssi::command_bind 'mouse tempdisable' => sub {
	my ($data, $server, $item) = @_;
	my $seconds = ($data eq '') ? 5 : $data; # optional argument saying how many seconds, defaulting to 5
	Irssi::timeout_add_once($seconds * 1000, 'mouse_enable', undef); # turn back on after $second seconds

for my $button (@BUTTONS) {
	settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse" . $button . "_click", "/mouse tempdisable 5");
	settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse" . $button . "_gesture_up", "/window last");
	settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse" . $button . "_gesture_down", "/window goto active");
	settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse" . $button . "_gesture_left", "/window prev");
	settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse" . $button . "_gesture_bigleft", "/eval window prev;window prev");
	settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse" . $button . "_gesture_right", "/window next");
	settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse" . $button . "_gesture_bigright", "/eval window next;window next");

settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse_scroll_up", "/scrollback goto -10");
settings_add_str("lookandfeel", "mouse_scroll_down", "/scrollback goto +10");