Note: This list is obviously not complete.
Needed before first alpha release (before I would use it on my "real" irssi):
- test a bit more, see if memory usage has improved
Needed before a 1.0 release
- synchronize scroll position with irssi? or just remember scroll position of inactive windows client-side
- gui for selecting window item in windows with multiple items
- switching of active server for empty windows
- Make entry behave less like the irssi one; so you can actually select text and copy&paste,...
- fix multiple spaces after eachother (change to nbsp)
- fix layout when there are more tabs then window width
- hash password in settings
- show in the client that just-selected-window might not be up-to-date yet
- let client forget what it has of a window when it's not been actived for long, to save memory?
- do something smarter than only following active window?
- make links clickable
- detach irssi window into separate browser window?
- optimise http connection usage: keep two pending clients instead of just one; sending response to older client
network&server, settings, ignores, hilights, notify, triggers?... config dialogs
-> make client independent from details, let server send ui description? => any script can provide webssi configuration interface
- split windows (or other window management)
fe-text doesn't remember monospace attribute
-> cache format in script instead of fe-text?
-> or only support it in 'live' messages?